Steinberg & Associates has 2 Divisions: Steinberg Presentations and The Steinberg Hyper-Analytic Group (SHAG).
Steinberg Presentations is a training and development enterprise that exists to meet the corporate-training and speech-making needs of businesses of all sizes. Specializing in topics from the worlds of Applied Psychology, Organizational Development, and Enhanced Business Practices, the presentations are based on psychological and organizational development theories and techniques that help companies and individuals transcend challenges and achieve goals.
Steinberg Presentations has been designing and presenting training programs, delivering speeches and offering consulting to corporations around the United States and the world since 1993.
Clients have continually and loudly applauded the valuable mix of relevant, immediately applicable, user-friendly information, techniques and practices; combined with down-to-earth, high-energy, personally-engaging, entertaining style. These world-class presentations along with comprehensive management consulting, tailored client service, and custom design of all programs are just some of the many characteristics that distinguish Steinberg Presentations as one of the nation’s premier corporate training companies.
The Steinberg Hyper-Analytic Group (SHAG) provides in-depth analyses of all “public contact aspects” of retail establishments: restaurants, supermarkets, department stores, sports venues, malls, theaters, hotels, and other such properties. All environments, services, and facets of the venue that are experienced by customers are analyzed. Also included are analyses of company websites, where research has revealed huge amounts of profit-eroding errors exist.
The purpose of the hyper-analysis is to expose and solve the problems that currently negatively impact customer experiences in your venue. Eliminating the on-site problems that hurt your retail business’ image has a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction, word-of-mouth advertising, and bottom-line profits.
A Steinberg Hyper-Analytic Group analysis has been likened by one client to “a complete physical and psychological examination of my retail site… they checked things I didn’t even know to look for, and couldn’t see even if I wanted to. When they corrected the mistakes, it made a huge difference for my net profits.” The Steinberg Hyper-Analytic Group is revolutionizing the way sites — both brick and mortar sites as well as websites — are analyzed and improved. As a result, the consumers win and therefore the business wins.